Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Oh it's love,

puppy love ♥

The newest addition to the {daring} family is no other than the sweet little

Andrea, my sister, named her. I don't know where on earth it came from or what it means. 
All I know is that she was 1 of 9 puppies that Justin had gotten a call about. She and her brothers and sisters were thrown out at cemetery.
I have a huge heart for all animals and when Justin brought her to my house only to tell me that his dad was making him take her to the pound, I burst into tears.
I wouldn't and couldn't let him take such a sweet, helpless puppy away. 

Just look at this face:

How can you turn her away? 

To add to the list: she's clumsy, she's bad, she's very playful, she slept in the bed with me her first night and only woke up at 4 when Daisy tried to walk into my room. FACT: Lyla was growling at her. Talk about early protector! She's just the sweetest thing in the world.
We take her to the vet on Friday and hopefully find out a little bit more about her. 

And that's all about my little pooch!

Friday, May 20, 2011

A whole lota' bidiness.

Whew! Helloooooo  blog friends! 
Boy have I missed y'all! 
You wouldn't believe me if I said this but I'VE BEEN BUSY!

Surprise, right? Psh!

So what have I been doing you ask? 
Simple: p h o t o g r a p h y!

Let me work this into numbers for you:

Each day I receive at least 2 inquires about doing a shoot, a wedding (today it was 3: 2 shoots, 1 wedding)
Each week I edit at least 300 photos (minimum!).
First year of business and I have 6 contracts for weddings this year, 4 pending contracts, and 2 set in stone for next year. 
       Speaking of pending things....need to email those that I'm waiting for response, note to self.
I get 0 days off a week. Yikes. 
And possibly 5 hours of sleep a night.
And I had my 1st turn down on pricing for a wedding yesterday. 

It's a lot of work that I never expected. But I find myself becoming more and more passionate not only about photography but about my business. I guess its because it's my business and nobody can change that or take it away from me. I'm responsible for the turn out of it and the success and failure. And I like that. It's such a intense feeling.

Well anyways, let's take a look into what I've been photographing these days: 

Engagement photos! (Who's wedding I shot tonight as well!)
Graduation photos!
Prom photos
SRM Makeup Shoot
Makeup shoot! 
Makeup shoot (which is also now creating a huge following of boudoir photos!)
Makeup shoot!
Does she not look like Miley Cyrus a little?!
Makeup shoot!
Makeup shoot!
Still editing Padgett wedding photos!

Yes, that's a lot of work! But I sure am enjoying it when it's all said and done :) 
Besides, I like to think I have the best clients!


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cinco De Amy :)

translation =
me a very happy girl!

The semester is over! 
And I totally rocked it! 
I haven't been so proud of grades since I've entered college. 

In the time of this semester, I managed to have a life, start my own business, work 2 jobs, be a girlfriend, volunteer to help the firedepartment some, and go to school 18 hours out of the week.

And I did it! I made 2 A's, 4 B's, and 1 C! 
So the C isn't too pretty, but I'm just so happy to surpass a 3.0 and I'm looking at a 3.46! 
I've never been good at school and I didn't expect to do as well as I did. 

So, in honor of the end of the semester and the beginning of a beautiful summer, I had to celebrate! 
Starting with Cinco De Mayo! And then dinner with great friends last was delish. I got so spoiled and went to Dockside (A local delish seafood restaurant!) 

Here are some pics :) 

Yes, we got costumes! 

COP & Romance

Silly boyfriend.

"I lovah da stache!"

Mi amigo.


I have tons of Amy Daring Photography photos to post very soon! I've been a busy girl! 


Monday, May 2, 2011

Calling all followers!

I need YOU!
to vote for my mommy dearest!

I entered this a few weeks ago and they never informed us of her being a finalist! Today, someone called mom saying how nice it was to see her as a candidate and she was like, huh?! 

Please vote, if you can. The more the merrier. I have 140-something followers last time I checked. If I can get all of you to vote once until May 3, then it would be amazing! 

Please friends. She so deserves it! Read the article linked above, then vote here:
I'm pretty sure they put her name last because they saved the best for last! Duhhhh!

Spanks! Y'all rock! 

Sunday, May 1, 2011

You knew this was coming!

Lucky for you, I have not yet had the opportunity to watch the Royal Wedding in entirety...(not so lucky for me!)
I know you're all probably sick of it by now...but I like the other girls of Ashley Rhodes Events are wedding snobs! We take pride in calling ourselves that too!
With this weekend being the busiest wedding weekend of the year, I wasn't given much time to watch it with work and my sister's prom taking place. Oh and did I mention finals? Yep, those too!

So the Royal Wedding and I have a date on Tuesday.
Just me and the wedding, all to ourselves ;)

But anyways, the hype has been too much for me and I couldn't resist but to look at some pictures! Here are my favorite!

Program photo....what an incredibly beautiful couple.

My favorite photo so far.

Such beautiful people! Pippa & Kate are both so incredibly gorgeous! And Kate is so classic and just perfect! I can't wait to see the wedding in its entirety and hear the vows and see the kiss! Ahhhh.
