Thursday, November 18, 2010

Just around the corner...

That's right! This week is almost over! Anddddd Thanksgiving is just around the corner! I'm still obsessing over this royal wedding business. I'm far too excited! I've been super busy these past days. Wednesday night, I photographed an event in downtown Beaufort at Wren again. It was far too much fun. They have the neatest wine labels there. I couldn't help myself but to photograph some more :) Also, here are some pictures of the delicious food! I'll share more photos of the event later after I go through and fix them some!

Le Salad!


Today I also had a shoot for a lovely family I know. We took some great photos at Burke's Beach on Hilton Head Island. To my surprise, as I walked out on to the beach, I had on a sweater, a vest, and boots, and broke into sweat! It was scorching hot! In the middle of November?! Luckily, I had a lighter shirt and some flipflops in my car! 
Wish I could share some of those pictures as well, but right now, I'm swamped in other photo editing. So, I'll share some of my fun lowcountry photos prior to my shoot at Wren. 

Look how windy it was the other day!
I love moss streaming through the wind. It's almost haunting as you're driving underneath it. 

I'm so lucky to drive through such a beautiful area during my day of work. Sometimes it can be so distracting! 

I'm so excited that I finally have 20+ followers! Wow! Thanks guys for making me feel so special :) Especially all of the comments! You guys are the best! 

I know this seems like a long post, but you may not hear from me for a few days since my weekend is super eventful. 
Friday: Class, appointment|meeting, birthday dinner for my love, Heather, hangout with J
Saturday: Yemassee 5k Filthy Challenge ;) Pictures to explain later! Night: Karaoke at Giuseppi's!
Sunday: Working an event and then possibly date night with Justin ♥

Needless to say, I'll be busy! Plus getting all of these photos edited, gearing up to finish school before break (they love to load us down the last two days, yuck.

With the countdown to Thanksgiving in mind, I think I may start naming one thing I'm thankful for until the big turkey day!

Today I am thankful for: living in the lowcountry. From viewing the pictures above, can you blame me? Everybody here says "yes ma'am" and "yes sir" and mostly everyone knows you by name. Everyone on the roads in town wave as you drive by. Here, you really can borrow a cup of sugar if you need to. It truly is the simple life here. On my way to work I can roll my windows down and soak up the smell of salt water. I love everything about living here. When my Aunt from Florida moved here to South Carolina, she asked if the gnats were really that bad because it seemed like everyone was constantly waving. We had to explain that it was simply kindness and that they were just waving to say "hello." 

I think that's enough out of me! 

Nice catching up with you all!


  1. Woah. That food looks so scrumdiddily-umptious!

  2. okay totally jeal of your karaoke! sounds like so much fun!

    and that chicken looks amazing. i wonder how tasty that sauce is. and i would LOVE to have neighbors that wouldn't think i was a psycho if i asked them to borrow a cup of sugar.

  3. life in the lowcountry sounds amazing:) enjoy your weekend and try to find a little bit of "you" time in the midst of it! you have such a lovely blog:)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi friend! Just wanted to let you know I've given you a special blog award:) head over to my blog to learn more! Congratulations!


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